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2022 Chinook Spawning Ground Survey

2022 Chinook Spawning Ground Survey

Project Summary (Abstract):

The Siskiyou Resource Conservation District (SRCD) has been involved in the annual spawning ground surveys in the Scott River Valley since 2003. Between the Scott River Fish Counting Facility and the cooperative spawning ground surveys, a comprehensive dataset on fall-run Chinook is collected annually. This includes information on the run abundance, timing, age/sex/length composition and hatchery contribution as well as the spawning distribution and range. The monitoring of this population provides valuable trend data leading to escapement estimates, which are used by the Pacific Fisheries Management Council for the effective management and allocation of Klamath Basin fall-run Chinook salmon. Furthermore, the redd distribution is utilized by local organizations to prioritize habitat restoration projects on the Scott River mainstem and monitor their effectiveness including the utilization of spawning gravel sorted by large wood augmentation and help provide information on connectivity in areas in the upper reaches of the watershed that are often not physically accessible for spawning due to passage barriers at low flows.

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